The Winter and early Spring of 2019 was one of the most demanding, if not THE most demanding season of ministry that we have been blessed to have in several years. Not only does John continue all his commitments and outreach roles in the community but God continues to supply assistance from numerous young men who have been involved with the ministry for 10, 20, or even 30 years. Several became new believers in Christ when we met and then have continued to grow and desire to be used by God to help others in their community. And like John has been doing, most of them serve their communities and represent the Lord without compensation or special expectation of reward. Here is a highlight summary from October 2018 thru March 2019.
Meanwhile, John continues to:
9/10/18 Summer 2018 marked the beginning of transition to a new "season" for TEAM JAM. Though numerous young men have already been either assisting us in ministering to others in our area, even more are pursuing their OWN passion and vision based on their own spiritual skill set and opportunities. For years, John has tried to model being a servant in the community to numerous young men in order to share what Christ can do. Now, many of these young men are doing it themselves and are out running him!! This requires a shift in focus from DOING as much as can individually be done, to John being in a more supportive role. This transition will aid these young leaders in THEIR ministry & outreach endeavors. An example of what OTHERS are doing, unconnected with TEAM JAM but as a result of our investment:
Meanwhile, John continues to:
4/10/2018 The end of March concluded the most active ministry season experienced by John, Shawn, Dante and other ministry volunteers:
It is a unique privilege to be permitted to share the hope of the gospel so freely in secular environments exactly when it is needed the most - at the MOMENT that it is needed the most. Jimond Ivey is from Cleveland's Glenville high school and is currently a junior on Akron University's men's basketball team. Jimond had the 2nd highest scoring basketball game (48 pts) in the nation this past season. However, his spiritual growth and maturity has improved off the court as well. The video shares his viewpoint of how that has happened. On the picture to the right, Akron U continues to open and close their practices with prayer. Coach Pete surrendered to Christ before he went to boot camp. When he came back he started this youth running program with our guidance. Pro basketball player Jon Horford (picture on right) has been providing free basketball workouts and character-based messages on his visits to Medina Sr., Streetsboro, Coventry, and Norwayne HS's. These gestures of good will continue to give us numerous ministry opportunities after his visits. Portage County student of the month Braden Tucker (on left) invited John to stand in as family when he was honored as Student of the Month while his dad had to work. He boldly shared the value of his relationship with Christ. (Middle Pic) Two Canton Charge players joined John in a visit to Mansfield State Prison to see their museum and talk about their relationship with God. (Pictured right) - A former Pastor's wife had a moment of clarity shortly before her passing when she recognized a NEWSBOYS song honoring God. From left to right - the Hudson HS leadership retreat, (middle pic) TEAM JAM product/former pro athlete/military veteran Josh Holden was the guest speaker for Akron U's ROTC military ball - as arranged by Johnny Saucier (left). (Picture to the right) Brandon Gency (Ashland U. football) sharing his testimony at Hudson HS's FCA meeting, led by Hudson coach and TEAM JAM volunteer Jeff Hildebrand.